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Exercise is the Turbo Boost to a Healthy Prostate

In Part 3 of this series, Janet Farrar Worthington talks with PCF-funded epidemiologist June Chan, Sc.D., about what a healthy heart has to do with preventing or slowing down prostate cancer. Exercise is the Turbo Boost to a Healthy Prostate  In the fight against prostate cancer, exercise is the gift. Read More


Should You Run or Walk?

This month’s challenge is all about lacing up your sneakers and hitting the pavement, trail, or treadmill. It all counts: walking, hiking, trail-running, race-walking, even pool running. Is it better to run or walk? The decision is personal. Let’s consider a few factors that might help you choose. Which is. Read More


Exercise Tips for Seniors

As we age, fatigue, nagging aches and pains, and chronic health problems can become barriers to regular exercise. But it’s just as important to maintain an exercise routine (or start a new one) at age 65 as it is at age 35. Whether you’re new to exercise or a regular. Read More


DIY Home Fitness: Work with What You Have, Start Small, and Do Great Things

Many people start an exercise program with the idea, “Go big or go home.”  They set overambitious goals, or start out trying to do too much, too fast, and they quit after a few weeks. You don’t have to do that, says PCF-funded Harvard scientist Christina Dieli-Conwright, Ph.D., M.P.H. If. Read More


From the Prostate Cancer Research Desk

What’s new in prostate cancer research? Highlights from this edition: The potential benefits of yoga Representation by race/ethnicity in clinical trials The phenomenon of treatment regret Yoga Improves Quality of Life in Men Newly Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer Nearly one-third of men diagnosed with prostate cancer experience anxiety and distress. Read More


“Taking it to the next level:” Walking into remission

Need a reason to take PCF’s Go the Distance: 100 Miles in June challenge? Read one man’s story – then join us here. When Dick Cozza, now 76, was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer over 18 months ago, he says his doctors were astonished. “They told me they’d never seen. Read More


Prostate Cancer’s Sweet Tooth

Cancer loves sugar, and sugar really loves cancer.  Isn’t that sweet?  Actually, no, it’s more like a match made in hell – because sugar (glucose) makes many types of cancer grow faster. Scientists have long known that cancers soak up glucose like a sponge; in fact, German physiologist Otto Warburg,. Read More


Body Fat and Your Risk of Dying of Prostate Cancer

There’s so much fat in bacon grease, you can use it as a fire starter.   You can also take a can of Crisco, stick a wick in it, and make an emergency candle.    Fat is flammable.   Unfortunately, the same is true inside our bodies, as well:  excess body fat. Read More