Charles Chan
About Charles Chan
- Engraftment of prostate cancer in bone heralds a lethal form of the disease.
- New targets are needed for the treatment of prostate cancer in bone and to prevent bone localization altogether.
- Dr. Chan has discovered a type of metastatic prostate cancer stem cell that can home to bone and grow, causing increased morbidity.
- These investigations are aimed at inhibiting bone-derived factors that permit the localization and proliferation of prostate cancer in the bony environment.
What this means for patients: Dr. Chan proposes to study mechanisms of prostate cancer tumor engraftment in the bone. These studies will identify therapeutic targets to reduce this serious metastatic event.
2013 Steve Wynn-PCF Young Investigator
Charles Chan, PhD
Stanford University School of Medicine
Irving Weissman, MD and Michael Longaker, MD
Project Title
Identification and therapeutic targeting of cancer stem cell niche interactions in metastatic prostate bone marrow disease