Denise I

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About Denise I

This is not a story with a happy ending, but it is important for me to share.
My ex-husband was remarried and had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I was living in Las Vegas with my husband, I had also remarried. My daughter was in Missouri, working and going to college. She was living with her boyfriend’s grandmother. She and her boyfriend broke up and asked to come home. Of course we said yes, and the timing would prove life changing. Right after she got home, her dad took a turn for the worse.
He was going to need hospice care. We talked it over and decided to help care for him while his wife was at work. Our daughter was only 19, but never once did she complain about having to care for her dad. She saw things and had to do things that a young person shouldn’t have to do. She changed him, cleaned him up, fed him, read to him and cheered him on. She gave up all social activities. It was a time in her life that would stay with her forever. But the dedication and love was so real. It’s been 10 years this March. What a beautiful, heartbreaking experience… I love my beautiful selfless daughter, Holly Hepler.


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