Machel R.

Machel R.
About Machel R.

My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer at age 53 in 2016. He took a chemo hormone drug which brought his PSA from a 48 to 1.4. In July 2018 he was in remission, until October 21, 2018 when he stepped of his semi did the splits and ripped a groin in his left leg that cause he DVT in his leg the size of a cantaloupe. We went to the hospital on October 31, 2018 with blood in his urine. We stay in the hospital from that day until he passed away on December 5, 2018. I never left my husbands side the whole time he was in the hospital. I promised to take care of him so he could get better and come home with me and my daughters. He was getting better on December 1st and we were getting ready to come home when for some reason the doctor told us his liver was starting to fail and they didn’t know why. On December 5th they did an MRI and said that the cancer had spread to his liver. At 11:45 on December 5th the doctor told me he had two weeks to live and he died on me in 2 hours. My heart broke as I watched the love of me life pass before my eyes. I love and miss my husband so bad. I’m so glad those last months I never left his side.

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