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Help for ED after Prostate Surgery: The Basics

What’s the secret to having a good sex life after prostate cancer?  It’s very simple, says Johns Hopkins urologist Trinity Bivalacqua, M.D., Ph.D.  “You use prescription erection pills.  If they don’t work, you move to injectable medications.  If they don’t work, you get a penile prosthesis.  Also, having a loving. Read More

Interview with an Expert: Rehabilitating Your Penis

INTERVIEW WITH AN EXPERT Trinity Bivalacqua, M.D., Ph.D., the R. Christian B. Evensen Professor of Urology and Oncology, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Rehabilitating Your Penis Will your sex life be the same after surgery?  The absolute honest answer is, probably not, or at least, not for a while.  But the. Read More

Take Back Your Sex Life

Surgery or radiation treatment for localized prostate cancer doesn’t mean that your sex life has to be over. But a big part of this may be up to you – and it’s not just that part.  It may be up to you to ask your urologist for extra help. Here are. Read More

Lower Your Risk of Dying from Prostate Cancer

While many factors linked to increased prostate cancer risk cannot be controlled, view these 10 important considerations that may prevent or delay the onset of this disease. Read More

Five Foods to Protect your Prostate

What you eat affects your prostate health. Learn which foods to eat — and which to avoid. Read More


Prostate Cancer Screening and You

Nobody wants to think about cancer, especially prostate cancer. Nobody wants to get screened, and especially, nobody wants to even think about getting a rectal exam to check for prostate cancer. We get that. Read More

Why Genes Matter

We're in the midst of a revolution in how prostate cancer is treated — and it's being led by new knowledge about the genes behind the disease. Read More


Guys: Don’t Put it Off Like I Did. Get Checked!

While each patient’s battle with prostate cancer is an individual one, my experience is hardly unique. My story began 4 years ago, back in 2011, when my wife Susan literally begged me to see a doctor for a physical exam. At the time, I was dismissive—even incredulous at this suggestion—even though 2 of my close relatives, my. Read More


African American? What You Need to Know About Prostate Cancer

In the United States, men of African descent are more likely to develop prostate cancer than any other race or ethnicity. Read More

Progress Report: Andrea Harzstark, MD

Investigator: Andrea Harzstark, MD – Assistant Professor, University of California, San Francisco Tobacco and Prostate Cancer Therapy: The Missing Link? Prostate cancer affects one in every six American men; ~25% of those men are smokers. Smoking causes many health risks, including a higher risk for lung cancer. Many of the. Read More