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Blood and Urine Tests for Prostate Cancer

Your PSA is going up.  What’s going on with your prostate?  Do you need a biopsy?  Or, maybe you’ve already had a biopsy that didn’t find cancer, but your urologist is wondering whether you need another one.  What’s the next step? Good news:  You don’t have to move directly to. Read More


Tips to Choose a Surgeon

Tips to Choose a Surgeon If you’re considering surgery for prostate cancer, you probably want to know how to find the “best” surgeon. Radical prostatectomy is a challenging operation.  It takes not only skill, but the kind of expertise you get only after being involved in a lot of procedures,. Read More


Inflammation and Superfoods

This month, PCF is running a healthy eating challenge. A lot of the foods on our list are plant-based. They are on the list because they help reduce inflammation in the body. But what does that mean? Why is it so important? Researchers are now discovering that chronic inflammation can. Read More


Chocolate Pudding

Chocolate Pudding Ingredients: 2 cups milk (soy, cocoa soy, almond, low-fat cow's) 1/4 cup natural cane sugar 3 Tbsp cornstarch 2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 vanilla bean (optional) Optional for garnish: fresh berries, chopped nuts, cacao nibs Directions: Place milk, sugar, cornstarch, cocoa powder, and. Read More


Turkey Meatball Lettuce Wraps

The calendar may say “back to school” for the kids and grandkids, but the heat of summer continues. So this month’s recipe features loads of fresh raw veggies, along with lean protein and delicious umami flavors. Brightly-colored veggies make up the core of a prostate-healthy, heart-healthy diet. But if you. Read More


Breaking News: FDA Approves Niraparib + Abiraterone for Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

The FDA has approved a new medication, niraparib, in combination with abiraterone acetate for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) who also have mutations in specific genes called BRCA1 and BRCA2. This means that patients with mCRPC (prostate cancer that has spread beyond the prostate and continues to grow despite. Read More


Can Taking the Stairs Help Prevent Cancer?

People often wonder what they can do to lower their risk of cancer. We know that some major changes, such as quitting smoking, can have a significant effect. But what about smaller everyday choices? Here’s some good news: A new study reports that among people who are not regular exercisers,. Read More


Teamwork: The Benefits of Multidisciplinary Prostate Cancer Care

Prostate cancer is often a multidisciplinary problem.  At any stage, you may need some help beyond your family doctor, oncologist, or urologist.  If your doctor doesn’t suggest this, it may be up to you to ask for it. What’s the best initial treatment for you?  The answer isn’t always obvious.  . Read More


Tips for Summer with Cancer

Many people look forward to summer – a little lighter work schedule, less traffic, a long-anticipated trip, longer days, outdoor entertainment. But if you’re experiencing cancer, you may not feel like you get a “summer break.” Hormone therapy, chemotherapy infusions, radiation therapy schedules, and monitoring don’t stop between June and. Read More