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Financial Resources

Navigating a prostate cancer diagnosis can be difficult on multiple fronts. We have collected a list of resources to help with the costs of co-payments, treatments and medications. The resources below are national in scope. You should remember to contact local organizations such as hospitals and support groups; they will have information about additional state and local programs.

Watch this webinar to learn more about options for financial support. Dr. Alicia Morgans speaks with social worker Max McMahon, LICSW, and oncology nurse practitioner Stacy Walker, CNP.

Medication Costs

Website Phone/Other
RX Hope Rxhope.com (877) 267-0517
Needy Meds Needymeds.org (800) 503-6897
GoodRX Goodrx.com visit Goodrx.com
CancerCare Co-pay Assistance Program cancercarecopay.org (866) 552-6729
PAF – Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief Program copays.org/diseases/prostate-cancer (866) 512-3861
IMPACT (California only) california-impact.org (800) 409-8252
Medicaid Cancer Treatment Program: Breast, Cervical, Colorectal and Prostate Cancer (New York only) health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/bcctp/bcctp.htm (866) 442-2262
Janssen CarePath https://www.janssencarepath.com/patient/zytiga/cost-support (855) 998-4421
Medication Assistance Tool https://medicineassistancetool.org
Free or Low-Cost Disposable Adult Diapers parentgiving.com/elder-care/free-or-lowcost-disposable-adult-diapers/


Treatment and Co-pay Assistance

Website Phone/Other
CancerCare Co-pay Assistance Program cancercarecopay.org (866) 552-6729
PAF – Patient Advocate Foundation Co-Pay Relief Program copays.org (866) 512-3861
IMPACT (California only) california-impact.org (800) 409-8252
Medicaid Cancer Treatment Program: Breast, Cervical, Colorectal and Prostate Cancer (New York only) health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/bcctp/bcctp.htm (866) 442-2262
HRSA Consolidated Health Centers bphc.hrsa.gov/about/
Find a health center: findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov
Hill-Burton Free and Reduced Cost Health Care hrsa.gov/get-health-care/affordable/hill-burton/ (800) 638–0742
Maryland residents call (800) 492–0359
Johnson & Johnson Patient Assist Foundation jjpaf.org (800) 652-6227
Patient Access Network (PAN) Foundation panfoundation.org/index.php/en/
(866) 316-7263
(833) 662-3030
VA Financial Hardship Assistance (Veterans only) va.gov/health-care/pay-copay-bill/financial-hardship/ (866) 400-1238



Mercy Medical Angels offers free medical transportation for those in need. Visit their website to learn more.