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Tips to “Keep Dad In the Game”
Whether he’s your dad, your husband, your uncle, your friend….or yourself

June is a busy month. The baseball season is in full swing. Men’s Health Week is June 13-19, with Father’s Day on June 19. During the Home Run Challenge, May 27- June 19, PCF is traveling to ballparks across the U.S. to spread the word about prostate cancer awareness and help Keep Dad in the Game.

Prostate cancer is common: 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed in his lifetime. (For Black men, it’s 1 in 6.) While the vast majority of cases are diagnosed early enough that cure is likely, it’s still a deadly disease for too many men – an estimated 34,000 in 2022.

While men can’t change their major risk factors—age, race, and family history of the disease–there are things they can do to take charge of their prostate health. Here’s how to help the men you love…..or help yourself.

Know the risk. Ask your dad to take this quiz about risk factors for prostate cancer and when he should talk to his doctor about PSA screening.

Talk about it. Start the conversation about family cancer history. Over 50% of prostate cancer is linked to genetic factors. Men with a strong family history of prostate cancer, as well as breast, ovarian, and other cancers may be at increased risk for prostate cancer. Use this family tree as your guide. Share this information with your doctor, and ask your dad to share it with his doctor.

Knowledge is power. If your dad is dealing with prostate cancer—whether he’s newly diagnosed, experiencing side effects, or wants tips to live well after completing treatment—let him know about the resources available on PCF.org. Request our educational guides here.

Better health, together. The whole family can benefit from simple lifestyle changes. A prostate-healthy diet can also lower your risk for heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and insulin resistance. And for Dad, studies by PCF-funded researchers Dr. Lorelei Mucci and Dr. Stacy Loeb suggest that a healthy diet emphasizing plant-based foods may lower the risk of aggressive prostate cancer. Try going for a walk after the big game, making a healthier choice at the concessions stand, or bringing a fresh new appetizer to the pre-game party.

Have some fun! Share your favorite baseball memory here.