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MikeB 512x512

Michael B.

From my routine check up exam, some issues were present. Elevated PSA. Probable cause was thought to be a UTI. Nothing showed on cultures. Waited months to see a urologist....Read More


David C.

Funny, I just wrote this 2 days ago and posted it to FB.  I hope that any man over 40 reads this. This might be a little TMI but I...Read More

BillS 512x512

Bill S.

Caregiver to the Caregiver I am my wife’s caregiver. Derri has stage four heart failure. But sometimes she must be my caregiver. I have early-stage prostate cancer and, when I...Read More

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Becky L.

This time last year was the toughest time of my life. I lost my hero at the end of February 2020. My dad had been battling Stage 4 Prostate cancer...Read More

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Edie G.

This story is about my father and my husband. I wanted to share this because not knowing at the time both of the love(s) of my life would be affected...Read More


Paul G.

No truer words were spoken when it was expressed that prostate treatment is a team endeavor. The captain on that team is my lovely wife Marie, who never broke stride...Read More


Barry M.

Never realizing or even thinking of me getting prostate cancer it happened. I am 72 years old and this terrible disease hit me about Nov. Of 2016 . So many...Read More

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Charlie M.

Having been diagnosed with prostate cancer a couple years ago, has changed my outlook on life completely, Since that time, after the surgery the cancer has been undetectable. Thru it...Read More


Dan P.

I was diagnosed stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer Sept 2019. I have had radiation and ADT (lupron and abiraterone) since then. Radiation was hard but ADT has been effective. Five...Read More


Jason K.

My father is in the beginning stages of Prostate Cancer. He goes to the doctor on a regular basis to have random checkups. For me, I try to follow in...Read More