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Jennifer Schutzman

Many genes that are critical for proper embryonic development are disregulated in human cancers. For example, Sprouty genes (Spry1 and Spry2) are both critical for neuronal and early prostate gland...Read More


Philip Saylor

Hormonal therapy for prostate cancer causes weight gain, adversely alters cholesterol and other blood lipids, and is associated with increased risk for heart attacks and the development of type II...Read More


Edwin Posadas

Dr. Posadas’ research goal is to identify the molecular mechanisms of prostate cancer metastasis. A protein called FYN, which is a member of a cancer-causing gene family, was identified in...Read More


Akash Patnaik

Obesity has been identified as an important adverse prognostic factor for death due to prostate cancer. Dr. Patnaik will investigate the molecular mechanisms that link obesity to poor outcomes in...Read More


Nicholas Mitsiades

Src is a cancer-causing gene (oncogene) that is “switched” on in many adult human cancers including prostate cancer. The Src signaling pathway is activated in many patients whose cancer is...Read More


Neil Martin

There is increasing promise in the clinic for using targeted treatments for prostate cancer. Because of the specificity of emerging pharmacologic agents, it will be important to identify and treat...Read More


Ram S. Mani

Gene fusions in prostate cancer are early genetic alterations thought to initiate the process of cancer growth. These fusions are defined by the joining of two genes normally found in...Read More


Christopher Maher

The speed of sequencing the entire DNA content of human prostate cancer has increased by more than 100 times and the cost has been decreased by over 1,000 times in...Read More


Stanley Liauw

Statins are cholesterol-lowering medications used widely to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and related death. There is mounting interest in the potential anti-cancer effects of statins if used in...Read More


Joshua Lang

Immunotherapy activates the body’s own immune system to attack tumor cells. Dr. Lang’s research proposal focuses on increasing the power of immunotherapy for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Dr....Read More