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Joseph Ippolito

Metabolic oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) is a biochemical process that may lead to therapy resistance and tumor recurrence in men with prostate cancer. Characterizing the metabolism of treatment-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)...Read More

Howard Scher google

Howard Scher

Cell signaling in cancer causes uncontrolled cell growth and many clinical properties of cancer, such as metastases. Two major pathways of cell signaling in prostate cancer are initiated through a...Read More


Amanda Hargrove

Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) play a critical role in cell development by activating other molecules in charge of shaping gene expression. Recent research suggests that lncRNAs may be the most...Read More


Justin Drake

Men with progressive metastatic prostate cancer are often treated with medicines that target androgen receptor (AR) pathways. These patients invariably develop resistance to current AR treatments (e.g., Lupron, Zytiga®, Xtandi®)....Read More

Martin Sanda, MD google

Martin Sanda

Dr. Sanda and his cross-disciplinary team of nano-material chemists and immunologists are developing a new immunotherapy with the potential to boost a patient’s immune system to fight cancer. This new...Read More

Mark A. Rubin google

Mark Rubin, MD

Dr. Mark A. Rubin is a professor of oncology and Director of the Englander Institute for Precision Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine. Dr. Rubin is a recognized world leader in...Read More

William G. Nelson google

William G. Nelson

One of the causes for the initiation of cancer is the switching off or complete shutdown of certain critical genes (gene silencing) that should remain active. Tumor cells also use...Read More


Christopher J. Logothetis

Despite initial response, most prostate cancers will invariably become resistant to available therapies. Therefore, it is essential to understand these mechanisms of resistance operating in tumor cells as this will...Read More


Heather Cheng

Although family history is well-established as a risk factor for development of prostate cancer, scientists currently lack a comprehensive understanding of underlying genetic causes. Dr. Heather Cheng is coordinating a...Read More


Rahul Aggarwal, MD

Dr. Rahul Aggarwal is a Medical Oncologist within the Division of Hematology/Oncology at the University of San Francisco, California (UCSF) Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Aggarwal also serves...Read More