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Sheila F.

My uncle Rob passed away this summer from Stage IV Prostate cancer at the young age of 51, about 2 years after his diagnosis. His wife Sheila did it all....Read More


Roxanne M.

Hi, my name is Roxanne and my brother is Ben he got diagnosed with his cancer in September of last year. When we found out we were devastated ,it seemed...Read More


Betty F.

I. Am 94 years old and was alone. My 70 year old daughter took me in to live with her and she takes care of my every need with lots...Read More


Sara S.

So in my family alot has had cancer including my self I loss my mom at age 51 to cancer qnd now my dad is fighting prostate cancer I had...Read More


Mildred E.

I've been a care giver for many years ,I've taken care do do many patients that I truly loved,It is very hard but you have to put your emotions aside...Read More


Stephanie K.

My friends mother just got diagnosed with cancer of pancreas Read More | Submit your StoryRead More


Alexandria L.

My grandfather had Prostate Cancer. He raised me and was my HERO! I lost him January 23 2021. Right after losing him my husband and I was told in March...Read More


Mariah L.

My grandfather has prostate cancer Read More | Submit your StoryRead More


Jessica P.

My boyfriends mother has breast cancer and has for some time now. She does everything for everyone and is the most caring big hearted mother anyone could ever ask for....Read More


Sharon-Anne S.

We discovered my Significant others prostate cancer purely by accident-PSA levels were consistently normal….immediately contacted MD Anderson in Houston-he went through Proton Therapy and a new therapy (Bachey) No removal...Read More