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Precision Oncology

New knowledge is beginning to explain the decades-old question of why a treatment may work for one patient but not another. Cutting-edge technologies that allow clinicians to identify the mutations...Read More

MM 2019 keynote featured image

Mike Milken Scientific Retreat Keynote Address 2019

https://vimeo.com/732641157/64e3994757 Michael Milken, Founder and Chairman, Prostate Cancer Foundation at the 26th Annual Scientific Retreat held in Carlsbad, CA from October 24th–26th, 2019.Read More

what is a liquid biopsy featured image

What is a Liquid Biopsy Used For?

https://vimeo.com/733001603/c79084d9de Dr. Dan Spratt explains what a liquid biopsy is and what they are used for.Read More

Hormone therapy featured image

Side Effects of Hormone Therapy

Testosterone is the primary male hormone, and plays an important role in establishing and maintaining typical male characteristics, such as body hair growth, muscle mass, sexual desire, and erectile function,...Read More

what is a prostate cancer biopsy featured image

What is a Prostate Cancer Biopsy?

https://vimeo.com/350203060/1d7fddd746 Dr. Dan Spratt explains what a prostate cancer biopsy is and how prostate cancer biopsies are performed.Read More

survivorship blog image

Survivorship In Prostate Cancer | Alicia Morgans

https://vimeo.com/359379228/b90ab1985a Dr. Alicia Morgans discusses survivorship in prostate cancer patients. By understanding what patients experience outside of treatment Dr. Morgans helps improve the lives of prostate cancer patients everyday.Read More

Young Investigator Award – Class of 2019

Young Investigator Award – Class of 2019

The PCF Young Investigator Award-Class of 2019 recipients are: 2019 National Cancer Institute – PCF Young Investigator Award Remi Adelaiye-Ogala, PhD National Cancer Institute (NCI) Mentors: Kathleen Kelly, David VanderWeele Investigating...Read More

What are Stem cells blog featured image

What Are Stem Cells & How Can They Help Cure Cancer?

https://vimeo.com/346948172/498c3aabc3 Dr. Dan Spratt explains what stem cells are and how they can be used to help cure cancer.Read More


Mental Health and Your Diagnosis

Your state of mind has played, and will continue to play, a critical role in your cancer journey. From staying positive to controlling your diet and exercise routine, your overall...Read More

what is cancer metastasis blog featured image

What Is Cancer Metastasis?

https://vimeo.com/346948441/93969cca9c Dr. Dan Spratt explains what a metastasis is and where metastasis most often occurs in prostate cancer.Read More