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When you or a loved one is diagnosed with prostate cancer, you will have many questions. Who is the best doctor? Where should I be treated? How will I pay for this? What else do I need to consider? We have assembled lists of resources to help with these and other questions.

Find a Provider

Where possible, select a physician who specializes not just in cancer but in the nuances of your specific type of prostate cancer. How do you find such a doctor? If you are newly diagnosed, start by consulting your diagnosing doctor, that is, the one who found ...

Treatment Centers

Choosing where you seek your treatment is an important decision. We have provided a list of National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated cancer centers as well as some renowned treatment centers as a starting place. Find a center using the lookup feature or browse the list below. ...

Financial Resources

Navigating a prostate cancer diagnosis can be difficult on multiple fronts. We have collected a list of resources to help with the costs of co-payments, treatments and medications. The resources below are national in scope. You should remember to contact local organizations such as hospitals and ...

Support Groups

We understand, there is a life before you found out you had cancer and life after you received your diagnosis. The new life brings with it uncertainty, fear, anger, sadness, and more. But you are not alone. U.S. men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Even ...

For Caregivers

Caring for a man who has prostate cancer is a challenging experience, especially for significant others, who may have to adjust to a new lifestyle with their partner. Here are some suggestions to help you through your experience and provide the best level of support, not ...

Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials

Clinical trials bring life extending and curative new treatments to cancer patients. Clinical drug trials play a vital role in moving new treatments to patients who need them most, securing data so regulatory approvals can be obtained and new drugs can move into widespread clinical practice. ...