James Marshall, PhD

About James Marshall, PhD
Diet and Progression of Prostate Cancer among Men on Active Surveillance
Active surveillance is a clinical program for men diagnosed with very early (low grade and stage) prostate cancer who decide with their physician to delay treatment. The challenge during active surveillance is to prevent disease progression and the subsequent need for local therapy. Extensive epidemiological studies suggest that metabolic changes from a calorie-controlled diet high in fruits and vegetables are associated with reduction in risk for prostate cancer progression. Dr. Marshall proposes to test these observations in a clinical study called Men’s Eating and Living (MEAL) study, a rigorous dietary intervention. Men will change their diet to the following: 7 servings per day of vegetables (2 cruciferous, 2 tomato products, 3 other vegetables), 2 servings per day of whole grains, 1 serving per day of beans or other legumes, and 2 servings per day of fruit. Over a 2 year period, study participants will be closely monitored for metabolic changes by measuring the chemical byproducts released from cells into circulation. The results from this study will define the impact of a dietary intervention on delaying surgical or radiation treatment in this subset of patients. The study will also identify molecular correlates of dietary change which may provide insight into novel prostate cancer therapeutics and/or cancer prevention strategies.
The Evensen Family - PCF Creativity Award
Roswell Park Cancer Institute, New York