Jay Shendure

Jay Shendure
About Jay Shendure

Currently, a comprehensive understanding of the genetic events that cause prostate cancer initiation and progression has not been technologically possible. Dr. Shendure has developed a new biotechnology to exhaustively sequence DNA that overcomes many of these technical hurdles. Dr. Shendure’s primary research focus is to develop next generation DNA sequencing technologies for prostate cancer that are rapid, less expensive, and that will provide pathologists and oncologists enhanced resolution of DNA regions that code for protein production. This project has the potential to identify genes and molecular pathways that are important for prostate cancer initiation, progression, and metastasis at a far greater pace.


The 2010 Lowell Milken – PCF Young Investigator Award

Jay Shendure, MD, PhD

University of Washington – Seattle, WA


Peter Nelson, MD, Co-Head, Program in Prostate Cancer Research, Member, Division of Human Biology, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and Professor, Departments of Medicine, Pathology and Genome Sciences at the University of Washington.