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Michelle B

Met my husband when I was engaged to someone else. Called off my wedding, he got divorced, we flew off to Cancun, and got married two years later. Three kids...Read More


Rhonda H

My husband was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in 2000. As we sat in the doctor's office being informed of all the different options, neither one of us could hear any...Read More


Harry L

My caregiver is my new wife of 4 years. After I was diagnosed in 2013, I went on active surveillance. Then in 2018 after losing my hearing in my left...Read More


Joanna L

We met online at an online dating site, ten days later, Kevin and I both removed ourselves from the site. We both decided we would further our relationship without involvement...Read More


Marilyn P

My daughter in law Randi Renee Shelton is the most amazing loving caregiver and wife to my son who has prostate cancer and has just had surgery. She lifts him...Read More


Stephanie C

My husband Jeff was diagnosed January 2018, he had a prostatectomy and we were told wil his low PSA of 2.5 and Gleason of 3+4 7 he would be ok....Read More


Sarah A

In August 2017, my mother Pam Adams was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer. While our small family of 4 was still trying to process this horrible news, we received...Read More


Hugh S

My mother and I were both diagnosed with cancer about the same time. She opted for comfort measures only such as pain management and I opted for aggressive treatment. My...Read More


Rick A

In June 2016 I was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. To say that it was devastating is an understatement. Today with the help of monthly treatments and daily medication...Read More


Additional Facts for African American Men and Their Families

Additional Facts for African American Men and Their Families provides special facts and guidance regarding African American men and prostate cancer. Research shows a man of African descent is 76%...Read More