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Elizabeth P.

I'm a Hodgkin's lymphomas patient. It had spread from lower left quadrant to the neck. Was only able to have one lymphoma removed out of several, just under a golf...Read More


Dennis C.

5 years ago I put off hip replacement surgery for 7 months as my wife had uterine cancer. Luckily she only needed surgery. Since then she has helped me through...Read More


Joel M.

I am in awe of and honoring my fiancé, Christine. I was DX 3 1/2 years ago at age 53 with very aggressive (GS 10) fully metastatic. I’ve been through...Read More


Mary R.

Our family has been hit by this disease, 4 times in the past 15 years. I have been a caregiver for all 4. These men have been my husband, my...Read More


Robert F.

Diagnosed with aggressive Gleason Score 9 Cancer. Never been sick and the leading dog of the family. Hit everyone like a ton of bricks. Fortunately we could have surgery. Even...Read More


Jennifer S.

In June of 2018 my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It was scary, knowing that someone as strong and active as my dad, could be diagnosed with cancer. My...Read More


Joan D.

I make sure my boyfriend goes every year for his yearly checkup. Unfortunately October 2018, after an MRI and biopsy they found 2 small areas that are Cancer. Stage 1...still...Read More


Leia J.

“I’ve got cancer” are the words no child should have to hear from one of their parents, let alone both. That’s why I’m trying to raise as much awareness of...Read More


Mike S.

I honor my wife, Lori. Married 38-1/2 years now, 28 of those she has stood beside me since i was disabled by a surgical error. She watched me learn to...Read More