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John S.

The morning two years ago when I learned I had prostate cancer, the three “heroes” in my life converged. Now, whenever I reflect on that day, and it’s often, I...Read More


Jim Z.

Prostate cancer hit me in 2009 at age 43. My wife, Brandi, was already busy taking care of our three kids aged 7 to 15. Now she had to deal...Read More


James P.

MY husband, passed from prostate cancer in 2013. He was diagnosed in Hartford CT where we live part time. The physician told us it was rare, only positive in 1...Read More


Dr. Bischoff

Dr. Bishoff is my husband’s surgeon. My husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer about two weeks ago. He has treated both of us with such care and support, we were...Read More


Nancy D.

Today we said goodbye to my sweet mother-in-law, Erna Edwards. Miss Erna was diagnosed with cancer in April of 2017. Once she found out the extent of her cancer, she...Read More


Duane H.

Five years ago my husband Duane was diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer. It rocked our world. We were devastated to hear the consensus prediction of four and a half...Read More


Mary P.

When I was newly married and just 24 and pregnant I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. I carried my son to full term and had a hysterectomy after he was...Read More


Dean O.

Hi! If my mother-in-law, Heidi, and sister-in-law, Karine, knew I was submitting this, they'd kill me. Neither like attention or being made over. I'm convinced both are angels in human...Read More


Willem S.

I am a caregiver from a far and wanted to share my Dad, Willem's story with you. My Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2016. The previous year he...Read More


Duane H.

Right after the biopsy and pet scan that gave us a metastatic prostate cancer diagnosis my wife became my caregiver. The job included many aspects but it started as a...Read More