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Thomas L.

I am a prostate cancer survivor only through the sacrifices made by my younger brother, Tom. Without his concern, care and guidance, I would not be here today. Sadly, the...Read More


Steve W.

My Dad has recently been diagnosed, but thankfully it hasn’t spread to his lymph nodes or bones. So he will have surgery to remove his prostate in March. This has...Read More


Dennis D.

I'm writing in for my mother, Carmelita Duarte. My dad was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer coming up on three years this March. We count our blessings that my dad is...Read More


Leonard B.

I'm not sure how I would have coped without my beautiful wife Susan. I was in the prime of my life, running a successful law practice, far too busy to...Read More


Elliot A.

My all encompassing gratitude goes to my wife who has been with me on this very tumultuous terrifying journey. It began in June 2013 when I was diagnosed with stage...Read More


Mike M.

There is no person who has made more of an impact on prostate cancer and the lives of prostate cancer patients than Michael Milken, founder and Chairman of the Prostate...Read More


Jeff F

A wife's perspective... High PSA… Pretty common these days, probably just a test error. Third high PSA test... Okay, not good. Exam… Healthy husband, fairly fit, no other medical conditions....Read More


Randy K.

Stage IV prostate cancer (PCa) struck in January 2015 with metastases to my left side ureter lymph node chain. Gleason(GL)7(4+3), Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) at 840, but no symptoms whatsoever....Read More


Yvonne W.

The man I love has cancer. And, after months of deliberation, of decisions made and decisions overturned, he has begun treatment. Radiation treatment. Every single day. For forty more days....Read More


Emery B.

I have great support from my family, my in-laws, and on the property where I have worked for 25 years. I used work as my form of therapy that keeps...Read More