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Malcom Carmine and his wife Patty

“If This Is Going to Be Aggressive, I’m Going to Be Aggressive, Too.”

Malcolm Carmine, age 52, has metastatic prostate cancer.   But prostate cancer doesn’t have him. The difference between those two statements is as big as the gap between being alive...Read More

PCF Young Investigators at the 23rd Annual Scientific Retreat

Nobody Else is Doing This

Federal research funds have been dwindling for years; universities are hurting, and academic scientists, who have to raise their own research funding, are perennially strapped for cash. Drug companies like to...Read More


When Treatment Stops Working: Blame Resistance

In the upside down world of prostate cancer, the good guys want to win the war and the bad guys are leading the resistance. Imagine Rick’s Café in Casablanca, except...Read More


Infection and Prostate Cancer

Bacteria, Infection, Inflammation… Cancer? Guess what? Urine’s not sterile! This may be bad news for people like TV survival expert Bear Grylls, who often resorts to drinking his own urine...Read More

Prostatitis: Misdiagnosed and Misunderstood

Prostatitis: Misdiagnosed and Misunderstood

Every year, thousands of men are diagnosed with prostatitis. Some of them might even have it. Most of them don’t. Maybe you’re one of those men, and you’ve been taking...Read More

Interview with an Expert: Active Surveillance

Interview with an Expert: Active Surveillance

Christopher Barbieri, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Urology Assistant Professor, Cell and Developmental Biology Weill Cornell Medicine New York Presbyterian Medical Center “There’s no one way to select candidates for active...Read More


Active Surveillance:  What You Need to Know

Is active surveillance right for you?  The answer to this question varies, depending on a bunch of factors: your particular form of prostate cancer, your age and general health, and...Read More

A Not-So-Good Practice Proves Harmful in African-American Men

A Not-So-Good Practice Proves Harmful in African-American Men

It wasn’t that great of an idea to start with: giving hormonal therapy to lower testosterone in men with localized prostate cancer to make them eligible for radiation seed treatment....Read More

For Some Advanced Cancers, What Might be Cures

For Some Advanced Cancers, What Might be Cures

We may have turned the corner.  We’re not there yet, but wow, are we hopeful!  At the Prostate Cancer Foundation, our goal has always been to put ourselves out of...Read More

Genes that Discriminate

Genes that Discriminate

“African-American men are discriminated against by prostate cancer, and for the first time, we know why.”  This was oncologist Jonathan Simons, M.D., CEO of the Prostate Cancer Foundation, talking to...Read More