On the Horizon: Understanding Exactly How Prostate Cancer Targets Men of African Ancestry
When it comes to lethal prostate cancer, men of African descent are born with a genetic Achilles heel – or more likely, several points of weakness that make them vulnerable....Read More
Prostate Cancer and African Ancestry
Men of African descent are more likely to develop prostate cancer, and African American men are more than twice as likely caucasian men to die from it. Although lifestyle habits...Read More
Treatment for Prostate Cancer: Surgery
The operation to remove the prostate, called a radical prostatectomy, is one of the most difficult surgical procedures there is. There are several reasons for this: One is simply the...Read More
On the Horizon: More Accurate Biopsy
First, for the future, we have something we’ve never had in the past: excellent imaging of the prostate. Thanks to multi-parametric MRI, doctors have an unprecedented look inside this difficult-to-access gland. It’s...Read More
Biopsy: What the Diagnosis Means
The pathologist has just looked under the microscope at 12 tissue samples from your prostate. What’s in there? First, there are normal cells. Pathologists can tell that they’re normal, because...Read More
Interview With An Expert: Why the Biopsy Is Not Perfect
Your prostate feels like a pincushion, and you’ve been waiting for the biopsy results. They’re finally here. Now what? That’s a good question. You might think that the diagnosis of...Read More
On the Horizon: Radiation Plus Immunotherapy
The body’s immune system has incredible power. When it turns on something it recognizes as an enemy, its effects can be brutal; just ask anyone suffering from an autoimmune disease....Read More
Treatment for Prostate Cancer: External-Beam Radiation Therapy
If you have localized prostate cancer that needs curative treatment, you have two good options: Radiation and surgery. (You can read more about surgery here.) More than 60,000 American men...Read More
What Stage is My Prostate Cancer?
When doctors talk about prostate cancer, they use something called the TNM system. The “T” tells you the local extent of the tumor – how big it seems to be...Read More
Which Procedure is Better – Robotic or Open Prostatectomy?
“Robot vs. Human Prostatectomy: It’s a Tie, At Least So Far.” “Robots as Good as Human Surgeons, Study Finds.” Headlines can be deceptive and not very helpful if you’re trying...Read More